I have not blogged in ages, but can guarantee I will be blogging more because my life is getting a bit more exciting.
This year is divided into thirds for me- the first third (January to the end of April) has been all about crying, drinking and writing. My little heart was broken, hence the crying, the drinking was to try forget about the heart-break and the writing is to do with the dreaded thesis. The crying and drinking has subsided and the writing had taken full priority. I have finished chapters 1, 2 and 3 of my thesis and just have the intro and conclusion and editing to do, which I will do in the month of May.
The second third of this year (May to the end of August) will be a time of change and goodbyes and hellos. I will be finishing off my masters thesis and handing it in, I will be packing up my lovely life in Cape Town and treking it back to Durban. I will be saying goodbye to not only to all my friends, but to my life in Cape Town and my student life where i have spent the last 6 years. The memories of Jammie Plaza, Mem Stone, Claremont, Town, and all that jazz will be memories of the past, and my life as a reckless young student will be over. I will then pack 20kg worth of my life into a suitcase, bid farewell to my lovely purple room in Durban, my parents, brother, pets and friends here and start my travels. I will be spending a week in Egypt where I will see some old friends, spend 2 weeks in Spain where I will...well I am not too sure yet...and then will see some friends and family in London and Ireland and then I am off to France to start a new chapter of my life.
So the final third of this year (September to December) will be spent at Science Po - The Paris Institute for Political Science- in Paris where I will be taking a variety of courses and improving my French.
After that...who knows where I will be...but lets just say the return ticket is open-ended...
So, as i move to the more exciting second third of this year, I will report back on how the change is going!