Time flies and I have less than 4 weeks left in Cape Town. I have started packing bags to send back to Durban and it makes my room look very empty! I have long lists of things to do which only seem to be getting longer! This process is becoming quite scary!
There are no major things I feel I must do in Cape Town. I have lived in for 5 and a half years and feel I have seen and lived in the place and enjoyed most of it! I am excited to go to Paris and live in that culture. Of course the language scares me, even with my french lessons. I have been reading Eat, Pray, Love (for the like 7th time) and her section on Italy has made me very excited. It is a time where I will be absorbed in a completely new culture, learning all sorts of new things and ways of life. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity! So, I think it is safe to say the excitement has started.
But with that excitement comes sadness. I try not to think about next year and where I will be and when I will be back in SA again. It is hard to say goodbye to all my lovely, amazing friends in Cape Town and all those in Durban. It is hard to imagine leaving my family and my home and jetting off to a new place. However, I do think I am ready and the time has come to spread my wings and take the leap.
If you ever end up in Paris...you have a place to stay with me anytime :-)
Now, I must stop dreaming about the future and finish my thesis otherwise there will be no going anyway!