Wednesday, November 30, 2011

three weeks and counting

In three weeks time, I will be back on South African soil! It is quite strange to be saying that. It means I would have been in Paris for six months and it certainly has not felt like that at all. I feel like i have just arrived here and am leaving again. But the prospect of what next year holds is very exciting.

I have leant a lot in Paris, met a lot of amazing people, and see a lot of amazing things. I have gone to talks by very prominent people and my lecturers themselves, well some of them, have been incredibly interesting. I have made some lovely friends and my facebook friend map definitely looks very different now! I have improved my french, which is still pretty bad. I have learnt to live in a foreign place and have succeeded in it.

I have ten days of Sciences Po left. I have found out i will indeed graduated, and very well i might add, in December. I have one potential for employment next year and will hear about another next year. It seems I will be, once again, moving to a foreign land, but one less scary and intimidating, and one where goldfish and M+Ms will comfort me.

Everything seems to be falling into place but with that said, it could all go up in flames any second now.

It has been an exciting last year of being a student and one that I will never forget!
But i think it is now time to move on to having a job with little money, no free time, and say goodbye to my hours of series watching!

But for the next three weeks at least, I can still enjoy the student life!


  1. YOH dude, I can't believe it's been that long! But you're right... That flight to Cairo seems like yesterday and a hundred years ago all at once! Jeeeez. Can't wait till you're back, and can't wait to hear about your travels, and your ideas for where WE should go next :) love you bottles xxx

  2. fuyyoooo! :) best of luck. much love, malaysian.:)
